How to wear motorcycle helmet

People on motorcycles are often seen in the street

But helmets are rarely worn

A guy thinks wearing a helmet will ruin his cool hair

A girl thinks that wearing a helmet will rub off her beautiful makeup

Even strange say in the hottest man Chen Ming

Both used to ride motorcycles in college

Addicted to their own handsome hair can not extricate themselves

But xiao hai wants to say

Good hair is important

You can't go too far with the makeup

Riding without a helmet is dangerous

And it's against the law!

Look at the picture below

You know the importance of helmets

Motorcycles are not like cars

Safety devices such as airbags are used to ensure safe driving

So many people say that cars are made of iron

And motorcycle is meat package iron!

So, riding a motorcycle,

It is very important to wear the necessary protective helmet!

So here's the problem

Motorcycle helmets come in many shapes

What is the best helmet to buy

Motorcycle helmets come in many varieties

There are full helmets, three quarters helmets, uncovered helmets, half helmets, etc

What's the difference?


Full face

The full helmet protects all areas of the head, including the chin, and is the best helmet in this area.But on the road, few drivers wear them, and only cool riders do.

Few people buy this kind of helmet because it is not so breathable and it is very hot inside the helmet when it is still.


Three quarters of a helmet

The helmet protects only three quarters of the head and is suitable for summer wear.It's also more common on the road.


Jie face helmet

This is a helmet that "transforms", closes the mask and it's a full helmet, pushes up the mask and transforms into a three-quarter helmet.You can switch between "fully armed" and "blown face" modes at will.


Half helmet

Half helmet is a common helmet on the road at present, but it can not guarantee the driver's safety very well.The appearance of the helmet is similar to that of the construction workers on the construction site. The qualified helmet is filled with buffer foam, but only to protect the top of the head.But because it's small, light and breathable, most people choose it.

Q: do you want a bigger helmet or a tight one?

A: choosing A helmet is not like choosing clothes. You can't consider whether you will grow taller or fatter in the future and buy A bigger size.Helmet design is the primary consideration of the overall protection and cushion, so there are many thick cushion, hard to avoid feeling tight.

The correct choice is to wear a helmet after slightly tight is appropriate.So when buying a helmet, it's best to try it out in person at a brick-and-mortar store.

Q: helmets have expiration dates?

A: each helmet has A service life. Fiberglass, engineering plastics and foam plastics will age. With the passage of time and loss, plus some damage and cracks, the protective performance of the helmet will be weakened.

The service life of helmet is 2~5 years commonly, expired helmet cannot be used absolutely.

Just a final reminder

The law prescribes when a motor vehicle is in motion

Drivers and passengers

Safety belts should be used as prescribed

Motorcycle drivers and passengers

Safety helmets should be worn as prescribed

Failure to wear it will result in a fine of 200 yuan and 2 points

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