Have you mastered the principles and skills of motorcycle helmet selection?

    Choose a motorcycle helmet that can cover the whole face. This helmet can provide more comprehensive protection in a collision accident, because it has a larger coverage and gives us more support and protection.According to overseas agency Siler, 45 percent of all motorcycle crashes that hit the head involved facial injuries, illustrating the importance of wearing a safety helmet for facial protection.When choosing a helmet, let's not be fooled by the variety of styles. Some helmets seem to have a lot of coverage, but they actually miss the crucial area of the face to the jaw.The helmet is less protective of the head, protecting the top of the head but not the back of the head or face.

    One of the key principles of helmet selection is that the more protection you can provide, the better.However, there is controversy among motorcycle riders.Why?There will always be drivers who prioritise comfort over safety.Some riders even don't wear helmets at all, while others prefer helmets that cover less area and are considered lighter and cooler.

    Some drivers claim that helmets covering the entire face can impair vision, but this claim turns out to be scientifically unfounded.A helmet that covers the entire face can see at 105 degrees, while humans only see at 90 degrees.

    Big international safety standards ok, now that we've decided to choose a helmet that covers the whole face, we first have to check that it meets the safety standards.At present, the most authoritative standards in the world mainly include the certification of DOT, SNELL and ECE22.05.

    DOT certification places a sticker on the back of the helmet.SNELL is a nonprofit ngo that claims to be a stricter standard, and it's ok to pass or not, because many of its standards overlap with DOT certification.ECE22.05 is the most common helmet standard internationally, meaning it has passed lower European safety tests, some of which are more stringent than those in the United States.In the United States, DOT certification is mandatory, and the other two are just icing on the cake.

    Try on more, fit is more important than later, when choosing a helmet to try on more.A helmet must be comfortable enough that it won't shake or rotate on your head even when the straps are loose.The helmet should not press on you.We need to be careful not to stick to a particular style or color when choosing, because if it doesn't fit, it's not a safer helmet.

    Later, let's summarize briefly.When choosing a motorcycle helmet, one that covers the entire face is safer.If the purchase of imported, by the United States DOT certification is more reliable.Later, we have to try it out to see if it fits, so no matter how much we like a helmet, if it doesn't fit, we still don't choose it.Later, che shu also wants to remind me that safety helmet is a necessary equipment for motorcycle riders to travel. As long as you drive a motorcycle, please be sure to wear it.

    Helmet, has become a mandatory necessities, on the choice of gear and collocation, most of the friends keep the patchy, specifically to deceive the police, friends because of helmet brand type don't know, "a friend in the face of the varied kinds of helmet and brand on the market, is also difficult to choice, for those of us who love to play cars, safety should be first forever, which take most of the gear is the basis of the helmet protective function, a second face on the helmet is not only a knight, or more important artifact, leading the new promotion of motorcycle lovers before mounted on a motorcycle, must have a comfortable safety helmet,Helmets are our more important protection tools, buy helmets do not just want to cheap, unlicensed helmets have no safety protection!The following will help you to introduce the common helmet brand in the market, I hope to help you!

